How to Protect Your Car from Being Stolen
- March 3, 2014
- Category: Article
How important it is to have the correct auto insurance? Well, read the following statistics. A vehicle is stolen every 55 seconds in the United States. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, over 80% of all comprehensive claims involve auto theft. Only about 60% of stolen vehicles are recovered. 40-50% of vehicle theft is
Christmas Tree Safety
- December 2, 2013
- Category: Article
According to the US Fire Administration over 400 homes are destroyed annually by causes related to Christmas tree fires. Here are a few tips form Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Agency. 1. Keep your Christmas tree well watered. 2. Set your tree away from heat vents and the fireplace. 3. Inspect the lights. Check for
Why Private Firms Need Directors & Officers Insurance
- October 15, 2013
- Category: Article
Many private companies in Georgia tell us they don’t see the need to have Directors and Officers, (D & O) insurance. Many officers say the corporate structure will protect them, or D & O insurance is for publicly held corporations. Or the best one, “we can’t afford it”. Our hope is to dispel these notions.
The Role of Brokers in Healthcare Reform
- October 1, 2013
- Category: Article
Brokers in general are middlemen between buyers and sellers of goods or services. In the case of healthcare, brokers bring healthcare providers together with individuals and businesses. Because they are involved in many similar transactions, brokers bring a wealth of skill and knowledge to the purchasing process. For example, the gathering of information to develop