Loss Control Questionnaire: Restaurants

Examine Your Risk

The restaurant industry can be especially competitive, and it’s a constant challenge for owners to deliver exceptional food and service, maintain a loyal customer base and ensure a safe work environment. These challenges are magnified when you consider that restaurants often have a number of risks associated with them and a variety of incidents can occur, potentially impacting a business’s property, employees and bottom line.

Thankfully, taking the appropriate precautions and assessing your exposures on a risk- by-risk basis can go a long way toward protecting your business. This proactive approach to loss control is particularly important when it comes to avoiding issues during risk manager inspections. These inspections are ordered by insurance carriers and may occur when a new policy is written or on a set schedule. If the risk manager flags any concerns during these inspections (e.g., guards are not properly installed on equipment or good housekeeping practices aren’t being followed), they may provide recommendations businesses must follow in order to maintain coverage and avoid higher insurance premiums.

This questionnaire gives restaurant owners the opportunity to review loss categories specific to their operations prior to a risk manager inspection and proactively mitigate their exposures.

Loss Control Questionnaire – Restaurants