Brett Fowler Named 2017 Young Man of the Year by the Gainesville Jaycees

Jaycees choose Greene, Fowler as Young Man, Woman of Year
By Hailey Van Parys

Reliability is a trait that both the winners of the Gainesville Jaycees’ prestigious Young Man and Young Screen Shot 2017-02-21 at 10.15.29 AMWoman of the Year have.

Julia Greene, an assistant district attorney in the juvenile court system, and Brett Fowler, vice president and partner of the Turner Wood and Smith Insurance company took home the plaques at the annual awards ceremony at Chattahoochee Country Club.

Greene accepted her award with some tears in her eyes.

“I’m left speechless,” Greene said. “I’m humbled and honored.”

The attorney was described as a kind, gentle and gracious soul by the woman who won the award last year, Jessica Butler. Butler also said Greene started her volunteerism in middle school as a candy striper at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. She also volunteered at the Rape Crisis Center in Decatur, Quinlan Visual Arts Center, Habitat for Humanity and iTN Lanier.

“She shows up. For strangers in the middle of night, and for her friends and family. She’s the first to bring tissues in a tragedy,” Greene said.

Fowler was “heads and shoulders above the rest” of the competition, according to Philip Wilheit Jr.

“When you need a job done, he’s the guy you call,” Wilheit said.

Wilheit described Fowler as a young, baby-faced Renaissance man, who used to sell bread, necklaces and his mom’s old clothes to neighbors and on eBay. His dedication to causes and projects is one thing that set him apart.

Fowler also said he was caught off-guard and honored to be among a list of people that includes his grandfather Robert L. Fowler who won in 1960.

“It makes you want to strive to be better,” Fowler said.

Sen. Butch Miller was there to give the awards.

”I’m always honored (by what’s going on in Gainesville) and usually it has Jaycees written all over it,” Miller said.